The place where you can get the traffic.
The one that works for you.
Currently, we offer only cooperation via XML feeds.
Both demand and supply sides are available.
The Self-Service Platform coming later.
Valuable inventory
available via XML feeds

The place where you can get the traffic. The one that works for you.

Valuable inventory available via XML feeds.

Currently, we do offer only cooperation via XML feeds. Both demand and supply sides are available.

The Self-Service Platform coming later this year.

TGLV is happy to give you access to an inventory of the following formats:
The biggest volumes and most known format. Send notification to user who have subscribed via their android devices and/or desktop.
Banners have now been re-invented. No subscription is needed and you gain access to all visitors of the site. Faster TTL and push-looking visuals come in one pack.
Provides unique access to iOS users. Promote your offers to iPhone owners but don't forget to increase CPC.
Why us?
  • Multiple sources are available in one place
    There are many companies delivering great traffic to their market. Connect to most of them at a single point.
  • Dedicated account management
    We are your teammates that understands your needs, treat you well and supports you in best way possible to achieve your goals.
  • Quality check
    We value quality over quantity. Our policy is to provide as good a quality as possible, huge volumes are not the top priority.
  • Advanced filters and targetings
    Our access to global data and experience in analyzing traffic allows us to notice patterns that are still yet hidden for users and make optimizations before anything gets critical.
Payments methods
Contact us:

Skype: Kamran_akhundov
Telegram: TGLV_net
Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE

Get in touch
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